Richard Santen ESA-SRB Conference 2015

Richard Santen

Dr. Richard Santen is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of Virginia and has an active clinical practice. His research interests have focused on the development of aromatase inhibitors for treatment of breast cancer, mechanisms relating estrogens to breast cancer, the biology and natural history of endocrine-dependent breast cancer, and the effects of vaginal estrogens on circulating hormone levels. He has published over 400 manuscripts and chapters, predominantly related to the role of estrogen in breast cancer development and treatment. He has been funded consecutively by the National Institutes of Health for over three decades. For his work in the development of aromatase inhibitors, he received the Susan Komen Foundation Brinker International Award for breast cancer clinical research. Other awards include the Clinical Chemistry Distinguished Science Award, the Robert H. Williams Distinguished Leadership Award of the Endocrine Society, and the William L. McGuire Memorial Lectureship Award for breast cancer. Elected professional memberships include the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians. He is a long standing member of the American Society of Oncology (ASCO). He recently became President of the Endocrine Society, an organization with 17500 members.

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