Oral Presentation ESA-SRB Conference 2015

Ryan Rose, Fertility SA (#204)

Ryan Rose 1
  1. FertilitySA, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Ryan Rose an embryologist /researcher at FertilitySA studied a PhD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at The Robinson Research Institute in The University of Adelaide. His research was heavily focussed on basic oocyte biology and determining mechanisms of oocyte maturity. During his PhD, Ryan began casual work at Fertility SA and upon completion of his research obtained a full time position in FertilitySA’s laboratory. Primarily, Ryan works in routine IVF however he has major roles in further developing research at Fertility SA and encouraging active participation by embryologists and staff. Since his appointment he has been involved in the preparation of multiple clinical trials, research projects and translational work from bench to clinic. Although stepping away from academia, Ryan still maintains strong relationships with multiple universities and has built strong collaborations between FertilitySA and researchers across Australia.