Oral Presentation ESA-SRB Conference 2015

Empowerment of the next generation of clinicians and researchers in Endocrinology: What are the challenges? The inaugural joint US Endocrine and ESA symposium. (#48)

Helena Teede 1
  1. Monash Health/Monash University, Clayton, Vic, Australia

Young clinicians and clinical and research scientists in endocrinology will be the future lifeblood of our society and field over the next several decades.  We have seen major changes in the key focus areas in clinical endocrinology with an aging population, challenges obtaining public hospital positions, a shift in the gender of the workforce, increased engagement in research training (~7000 PhD's in Australia annually) and falling research funding. In this context the role of recruitment, retention, career opportunity and development and empowerment of young clinicians and researchers in endocrinology are important. In this session past and current US Endocrine Society and ESA President's will explore these themes in the US and Australian context. We will also  discuss career challenges for young women and men trying to balance career and family. The session will be interactive and include a panel discussion with younger ESA members and will assist the society in strategic planning, lobbying and progressing the future of this field.