Oral Presentation ESA-SRB Conference 2015

Growth hormone doping in sport (#117)

Vita Birzniece 1
  1. University, Penrith, NSW, Australia

Perceived anabolic benefits of certain hormones, such as growth hormone, have fuelled their abuse among both competitive and recreational athletes. Although growth hormone increases muscle mass, majority of that is an increase in extracellular fluid and not the functional muscle mass. In recreational athletes, growth hormone does not have major effect on muscle strength, power or aerobic capacity, but stimulates anaerobic exercise capacity. As growth hormone and testosterone interact to promote anabolic effects, many athletes abuse both of these hormones. In scientific literature, major emphasis is placed on doping detection, whereas detrimental effects of doping agents on athlete’s health are seldom discussed. Most of the doping agents exert serious side effects, especially when used in combination, at high doses, and for long duration. The extent of long-term health consequences by hormone doping is likely to be substantial.