Oral Presentation ESA-SRB Conference 2015

The Battle of the Sexes: Establishing male or female fate of the bipotential gonad (#38)

Blanche Capel 1 , Danielle Maatouk 1 , Anirudh Natajan 1 , Steve Munger 1 , Samantha Jameson 1
  1. Duke University Medical Center, Chapel Hill, NORTH CAROLINA, United States

The gonad is an outstanding experimental model where a primary fate decision in bipotential precursor cells has the dramatic consequence of controlling the phenotypic sex of the organism. We have focused on how this fate decision is executed and maintained at the level of the transcriptional network, as well as how divergent organogenesis of a testis or ovary results from this primary fate decision. Transcriptome analysis of the three principle precursor populations in the bipotential XX and XY gonad (supporting cell precursors, steroidogenic cell precursors, and germ cells) identified distinct signatures specific to each of these lineages, that are shared in XX and XY gonads. At the bipotential stage, more genes associated with the female pathway are expressed in both XX and XY supporting cell precursors, suggesting a female bias in lineage priming.  In mammals, divergence along the male pathway is initiated by transcriptional activation of the Y-linked gene, Sry, at E10.5 in supporting cell precursors. To define the dynamic establishment of sexually dimorphic expression patterns downstream of Sry, we conducted transcriptome analyses comparing XX and XY gonads at six 4-hour intervals between E11.0-E12.0. Expression of Sry initiates sequential upregulation of male pathway genes, as well as sequential downregulation of female pathway genes in XY gonads. Deletion of Fgf9, which acts as a repressor of Wnt4, a signal that drives the female pathway, leads to male to female sex reversal and ovary development in XY offspring. This and other experiments suggest that repression of female genes is critical to establish the male pathway. To investigate how this fate commitment is reflected in the chromatin landscape in pre-Sertoli cells, we identified DNAse hypersensitivity sites (DHS) in chromatin of E13.5 and E15.5 Sertoli progenitors. DHS identified regions of open chromatin both in genes associated with the male pathway and actively transcribed in Sertoli progenitors, and those that were silent and associated with the female pathway.  Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis using an antibody against the active chromatin mark, H3K27ac, distinguished those DHS peaks that are associated with active transcription from those that are likely associated with factors that repress expression, identifying enhancers across the genome, and defining the chromatin landscape that regulates commitment to Sertoli fate.

This study was funded by grants from NICHD and NIDDK to BC.